What Is The Difference Between Affiliate Marketing And Dropshipping?

I get asked this question a lot: What is the difference between affiliate marketing and dropshipping? And it’s no wonder why people are curious. Both methods have gained significant popularity in the world of online entrepreneurship. While they may seem similar at first glance, there are distinct differences that set them apart. In this article, I will break down these two business models, highlighting their unique features and explaining how they work. So, if you’ve ever wondered which path to choose or if you’re simply looking to expand your knowledge about these lucrative options, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s explore the fascinating world of affiliate marketing and dropshipping!


Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing where individuals (affiliates) promote products or services from a company and earn a commission for every sale they generate through their own promotional efforts. Affiliates typically use unique referral links to track their sales and commission. In this model, the affiliate does not need to create or own the products. Instead, they focus on promoting and recommending them to potential buyers.


Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third party (usually a wholesaler or manufacturer) and has it shipped directly to the customer. The store owner never physically handles the products, as the entire order fulfillment process is outsourced to the supplier. Dropshipping allows entrepreneurs to start an online business without the need for inventory or significant upfront costs.

Business Model

Affiliate Marketing

In affiliate marketing, the business model revolves around driving traffic and referrals to a company’s products or services. The affiliate acts as a middleman between the company and the customer, earning a commission for every successful sale they generate. The affiliate’s main goal is to attract potential buyers and convince them to make a purchase through their unique referral links. The company is responsible for creating and maintaining the products, handling sales transactions, and providing customer support.


Dropshipping follows a different business model. The dropshipper sets up an online store and sources products from suppliers or manufacturers. Instead of purchasing and stocking inventory upfront, the dropshipper lists the products on their store at a markup. When a customer places an order, the dropshipper then purchases the product from the supplier and instructs them to ship it directly to the customer. The dropshipper makes a profit from the difference between the initial cost and the retail price. In this model, the dropshipper takes on the responsibility of creating the store, marketing the products, handling customer orders, and coordinating with the suppliers.

Ownership and Control

Affiliate Marketing

In affiliate marketing, the affiliates do not own or directly control the products or services they promote. They act as independent promoters for the company’s offerings and earn commission based on the sales generated through their referrals. The ownership and control of the products remain with the company or merchant.


Dropshipping allows entrepreneurs to have more ownership and control over their business compared to affiliate marketing. As a dropshipper, you have the freedom to create and customize your own online store, select which products to list, and determine the prices. While you don’t physically handle inventory, you have control over the branding, marketing strategies, and overall customer experience. However, the specifics of ownership and control vary depending on the dropshipping platform and agreement with suppliers.

Product Selection

Affiliate Marketing

When it comes to product selection in affiliate marketing, affiliates have a wide range of options. They can choose to promote products from a single company, multiple companies within the same niche, or even different products across various niches. Affiliates often select products that align with their interests, expertise, or target audience to maximize their chances of success. This flexibility allows affiliates to adapt their strategies and focus on promoting products that they genuinely believe in and can effectively market to potential buyers.


Dropshipping provides a vast product selection opportunity since you can source products from various suppliers or manufacturers. As a dropshipper, you can choose from an extensive range of products across different categories. This allows you to cater to different customer preferences and stay versatile in the market. Dropshippers often conduct market research and analysis to identify trending or high-demand products, ensuring that they offer products that are likely to attract customers and generate sales.

Inventory Management

Affiliate Marketing

One of the major advantages of affiliate marketing is that affiliates do not need to handle inventory or worry about managing stock levels. The company or merchant is responsible for storing and managing inventory. Affiliates simply focus on promoting the products and driving sales, without the logistical burden of inventory management. This eliminates the need for warehousing, packaging, and shipping.


Dropshipping eliminates the need for inventory management as well. Since the dropshipper doesn’t physically handle the products, there is no need to store and manage inventory. This relieves the dropshipper of the traditional challenges associated with inventory management, such as stockouts, surplus inventory, or the cost of warehousing. However, dropshippers need to stay in close communication with their suppliers to ensure product availability and avoid potential delays or backorders.

Shipping and Fulfillment

Affiliate Marketing

In affiliate marketing, shipping and fulfillment are handled solely by the company or merchant. Once a customer makes a purchase through an affiliate’s referral link, the company takes care of the entire shipping process, ensuring that the product reaches the customer in a timely manner. Affiliates are not involved in any shipping or fulfillment aspects, as their role is strictly focused on promoting and generating sales.


In dropshipping, the responsibility for shipping and fulfillment lies with the suppliers or manufacturers. When a customer places an order on a dropshipper’s store, the dropshipper conveys the order details to the supplier, who then ships the product directly to the customer. This means that the dropshipper doesn’t have to worry about packing, shipping logistics, or delivery. However, effective communication with the supplier is crucial to ensure timely and accurate order fulfillment.

Customer Interaction

Affiliate Marketing

In affiliate marketing, customer interaction is primarily focused on pre-sale activities. Affiliates use various marketing channels such as websites, blogs, social media, email marketing, or paid advertising to attract potential buyers and generate leads. Affiliates provide valuable information, reviews, or recommendations to potential customers to help them make informed purchasing decisions. Beyond this pre-sale phase, affiliates do not typically engage directly with customers for post-sale support or inquiries.


Dropshipping allows dropshippers to have more direct customer interaction throughout the entire purchase journey. As the owner of the online store, dropshippers have the opportunity to build relationships and provide personalized customer support. They can address customer inquiries, handle returns or exchanges, and ensure customer satisfaction. Establishing strong customer relationships can foster trust and loyalty, leading to repeat purchases and positive word-of-mouth.

Revenue Generation

Affiliate Marketing

In affiliate marketing, revenue generation is based on commissions earned from successful referrals. Affiliates receive a predetermined percentage or fixed amount of commission for each sale made through their unique referral links. The more sales an affiliate generates, the higher their earnings will be. Revenue generation in affiliate marketing is directly linked to the affiliate’s ability to drive traffic and convert leads into customers. Affiliate marketers can also earn recurring commissions for subscriptions or ongoing customer purchases.


Revenue generation in dropshipping is based on the markup between the supplier’s product cost and the retail price set by the dropshipper. The dropshipper’s profit comes from the difference between these two prices. Successful dropshippers focus on pricing strategies, marketing efforts, and customer satisfaction to maximize revenue. Dropshippers can also explore upselling or cross-selling techniques to increase their average order value and boost overall profitability.

Risks and Challenges

Affiliate Marketing

While affiliate marketing offers numerous benefits, it also presents its own set of risks and challenges. One key challenge is the dependency on the company or merchant. Affiliates have no control over the product inventory, pricing, or shipping. If a company discontinues a product, alters the commission structure, or faces financial issues, it can impact the affiliate’s earnings. Additionally, the competition in affiliate marketing can be intense, requiring affiliates to continuously adapt their strategies to stand out in a crowded marketplace.


Dropshipping comes with its own risks and challenges. One significant challenge is the risk of supplier inconsistencies. Relying on third-party suppliers means the dropshipper has no direct control over product quality, stock availability, or shipping times. A poor supplier can lead to delays, low-quality products, or even negative customer experiences. Additionally, the potential for overselling or stockouts poses a risk in dropshipping, as inventory levels can change rapidly. Effective supplier management and constant monitoring are crucial to mitigate these risks and ensure smooth operations.

Key Skills and Expertise

Affiliate Marketing

In affiliate marketing, key skills and expertise revolve around effective marketing and promotion strategies. It requires a good understanding of online marketing channels, such as SEO, social media, content creation, and email marketing. Affiliates should have the ability to create compelling content, build an online presence, and drive targeted traffic to their referral links. Strong communication and persuasion skills, as well as the ability to analyze data and track performance, are valuable traits for success in affiliate marketing.


Dropshipping involves a mix of skills and expertise. Building and managing an online store requires basic web design and e-commerce knowledge. Attention to detail is crucial when selecting products, setting prices, and optimizing the store for conversions. Marketing skills are also important for driving traffic to the store and implementing effective digital advertising campaigns. Additionally, customer service and problem-solving abilities are valuable for handling inquiries and resolving issues. Continuous learning and adaptability are vital in this ever-evolving business model.

In conclusion, while both affiliate marketing and dropshipping offer opportunities for entrepreneurs to generate income online, they have distinct differences in business models, ownership and control, product selection, inventory management, shipping and fulfillment, customer interaction, revenue generation, risks and challenges, and required skills. By understanding these differences, individuals can make informed decisions about which approach aligns best with their goals, resources, and expertise.