Hello Guys and Girls, Welcome to my world! I’ve made a quick video to show you how to whitelist my email… and explain more about your free goodies.
Since your Email Provider probably uses some type of overzealous filtering; We ask that you add us to your trusted list of senders, contacts or address book. All also known as “Whitelisting.”
If you do not see an email from Nagu or NaguKevin in your Inbox, my email may have mistakenly been sent to your spam folder.
Please open your spam folder and if you find an email from Nagu or NaguKevin open it and mark it as “Not spam”…
How to whitelist me in Gmail (I’ll send you a free course)
After you have successfully whitelisted my email address, please take a screenshot and email it to me at: nagukevin@gmail.com and I will send you a free copy of a special bonus, see image below,