I first started on my wealth creation journey a few years ago, when I was in my late-twenties.
I worked in the manufacturing industry, working a typical 9 to 5 job, doing shift work, and I wasn’t delighted where I was in life in many areas… in particular my money situation.
Despite earning good money, it was not giving me financial freedom and, I still had a fair bit of credit card debt and very little savings.
I wasn’t achieved at least nearby where I thought I “should be” financially at that point in my life.
I had also got married, and we have two sons to provide for.
I wanted to give them everything that I felt they deserved, but my financial situation made me feel limited and unsatisfied with their wishes.
When they first start to earn money, most people either look into stocks or property. I wanted to be a stock market millionaire, so I started to educate myself by reading books and searching for info online about stock trading. And then I invested a lot into it, and it gave me good returns too. But it’s not long lasted. I had lost all the money that I earned through stock trading, even more than that. So I quit that and had looked into other options to earn money.
Then I started to earn money online. I just started my own Blogspot(Now blogger) to write articles about my day-to-day personal experiences. Then I researched and found Google Adsense is my best fit to monetize my blog.
But like many early comers, I faced one issue.
My blog’s analytics shown multiple visits in a day. It doesn’t mean I got good traffic, because all the visits came from only one visitor. yes, “It’s me” 🙂
No other visitors came.
So I started to think about “How to drive traffic to my blog?”. In those days, I found getting the first-page rank on Google will solve my TRAFFIC problem. (Even today, Google is King for Traffic)
So that I started to learn about SEO and wrote a few good articles SEO-optimized articles on my blog. Those articles ranked well in Google, and I started to receive visitors too. (What a happy moment?)
Simultaneously, I was promoted to work as a software developer in my 9 to 5 job. This helped me move to the next level in my career and drive traffic to the blog. Yes, in those days, YAHOO Answers is a very famous QnA site(Today how Quora is there, like that). I used the Yahoo answers API to build my own website. (OMG, the first time I did myself all the crazy stuff such as web hosting, domain purchase, Cpanel, etc.…)
I wrote the script that automatically grabs content for my website from Yahoo Answers via their official API. In early 2009 I did this. Probably, I was the first person to done this automation, at least in my city. Even though I just duplicated Yahoo’s content to my site, my site got ranked in Google for a lot of high traffic keywords.
In those days, Google doesn’t have a powerful Radar. So that I floated under and above the Google Radar. Google did not punish me. ( Those are golden days). Hence my website received a lot of traffic, and my earnings from Google Adsense raised significantly as equal to my monthly salary. (That’s the dancing moment).
This continued until the early year of 2014. Then Google Panda (The powerful Google Radar) was released. Hence my traffic ratio was dropped significantly. Hence my earning also dropped and my Google AdSense account was banned. Also, Yahoo Answers announced to withdraw their official API service. (BAM!)
That’s it all. My dancing moment has come to an end at the end of the year 2014.
This is my second failure after I reached very close to my financial freedom. I felt sorry for myself and continued 9 to 5 Jobs in full swing to get promoted and reached higher positions. (At least, I got success in this field).
However, something had always urging inside me to do the work that I liked. So I had kept in touch with the do money online business and updating my knowledge every day.
Then I started my career as an affiliate marketer through commission junction and started to promote other people’s products on Youtube. I was used my programming skill to automate this promotion. From creating videos and uploading the video to Youtube, all were automated. This brought back me more money compared to what I got in Google Adsense. But again, I got a disaster in the form of copyright infringement. Yes, my youtube account got banned.
Remember, this is my third failure after I started my success.
I was thinking why every time, I was getting failure after seeing success. After spending long hours, I found the reason.
Yes, The reason I was doing all of this myself without a mentor. Hence even small mistakes cost me a lot.
So I had invested over $7000 in various online coaching to learn so many things: affiliate marketing, email marketing, traffic tactics, paid ads, CPA marketing, etc…
Through my mentors, I learned one important thing is “PUT it in action.” I implemented everything that I learned from my mentors, such as dropshipping, Amazon KDP ebook self-publishing, launching digital products, email marketing, affiliate marketing, etc….”
Finally, I achieved my goal and living a life as I wished.
It took me to the next level, from a student to a teacher.
I started to teach the things that I know to others both offline and online(Youtube). I am also offering 1-on-1 coaching to people who want to succeed in making money online niches.
You may contact me at nagu@nagudharan.com to get my one-on-one coaching.
Thanks for reading my story…